Vögeli AG

Cradle to Cradle® mailing packaging

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The Cradle to Cradle® mailing packaging from Vögeli is ideal for customer gifts and other marketing items – with personalized packaging, an integrated cover letter and, for example, a sweet surprise, a book, photo collection, calendar or any other clever promotional gift inside. Incidentally, the production of small and medium-sized editions is possible – also refined and individualized. The sustainable mailing packaging is very well received by customers, leaves a positive feeling and contributes to the image of the product. A win-win-win situation for manufacturers, customers and the environment!

Cradle to Cradle® is a completely new approach. With Cradle to Cradle® it must be guaranteed that all materials used, such as paint, paper or cardboard, varnish and glue, are 100 percent biodegradable and harmless to humans and the environment. This creates fully sustainable, recyclable print products without any loss of value for the environment. Whether incinerated, composted or disposed of in waste paper, only healthy nutrients remain.

Vögeli AG produces packaging that meets the highest requirements in terms of quality and sustainability, such as the Cradle to Cradle® mailing packaging. In 2019, Vögeli AG was the first printing company in the world to finally receive the Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM GOLD status. As a consequence, in 2020, major Swiss media, Tages-Anzeiger and Der Bund, have given Vögeli great credit in their articles with the headline “The most sustainable printing company in the world”.

